Bax Gene Expression
BAX is a gene which is involved in triggering cell Apoptosis (organised / programmed self-destruction). BAX protein is produced in a cell undergoing self-destruction and this assay is designed to evaluate this destruction process. High quantities are associated with the active self-destruction of the cells in response to an infection or a treatment. Very low quantities indicate that there is suppression, for some reason, of the natural mechanism of the self-destruction of any Abnormal Cells.
The BAX protein plays a key role in the process of cellular Apoptosis (organised cell death). Apoptosis is a normal part of growth and development; in an adult, the number of cells created through cell division is regularly balanced by the same number undergoing programmed death. In particular, BAX proteins ensure the Apoptosis of diseased and infected cells which, if allowed to proliferate uncontrollably, could form cancerous tumours. The damaged cells themselves produce BAX, which then, in turn, empowers their completion of the self-destruction process.
The BAX assay is designed to evaluate this process of cell destruction. High quantities of BAX indicate that damaged cells are being successfully eliminated. However, long-term elevated quantities suggest that the process has exceeded standard controls - normal cells are also being targeted for destruction, a process associated with neuro-degenerative disease. Unusually low BAX quantities, on the other hand, signal a disruption in the normal apoptotic process, with the dangerous accumulation of infected and cancerous cells as the likely outcome.
This assay will provide extremely valuable and accurate information relating to the following pathological conditions :-
- All forms of cancer, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS ) and Parkinson’s disease.
BAX is a gene which is involved in triggering cell Apoptosis (organised / programmed self-destruction). BAX protein is produced in a cell undergoing self-destruction and this assay is designed to evaluate this destruction process. High quantities are associated with the active self-destruction of the cells in response to an infection or a treatment. Very low quantities indicate that there is suppression, for some reason, of the natural mechanism of the self-destruction of any Abnormal Cells.
The BAX protein plays a key role in the process of cellular Apoptosis (organised cell death). Apoptosis is a normal part of growth and development; in an adult, the number of cells created through cell division is regularly balanced by the same number undergoing programmed death. In particular, BAX proteins ensure the Apoptosis of diseased and infected cells which, if allowed to proliferate uncontrollably, could form cancerous tumours. The damaged cells themselves produce BAX, which then, in turn, empowers their completion of the self-destruction process.
The BAX assay is designed to evaluate this process of cell destruction. High quantities of BAX indicate that damaged cells are being successfully eliminated. However, long-term elevated quantities suggest that the process has exceeded standard controls - normal cells are also being targeted for destruction, a process associated with neuro-degenerative disease. Unusually low BAX quantities, on the other hand, signal a disruption in the normal apoptotic process, with the dangerous accumulation of infected and cancerous cells as the likely outcome.
This assay will provide extremely valuable and accurate information relating to the following pathological conditions :-
- All forms of cancer, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS ) and Parkinson’s disease.