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TNF-β is a pro-inflammatory Cytokine (signalling protein) that is also capable of the targeted destruction of infected and cancerous cells. An assay for TNF-β can thus shed light on the current status of anti-infection and anti-tumour immune activity and the necessity to stimulate or suppress the Immune System so as to maintain the requisite immunological balance. High TNF-β quantities reflect the presence of an active immune response to a current bacterial or viral infection. Excessive quantities, however, result in uncontrolled Inflammation and so often lead to the development of such Auto-immune diseases as multiple sclerosis, insulin-dependent Diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Conversely, low TNF-β quantities indicate a dearth of effective immune responsiveness against infected and cancerous cells.


TNF-β is a pro-inflammatory Cytokine produced by some cells, usually the Th1 cells, of the Immune System. It triggers the destruction of some cells, including infected and cancerous cells. This assay is able to obtain information relating to the state of the Th1 (cellular) type of the immunological activity and the necessity to implement immuno-stimulation or immuno-suppression to avoid any immunological imbalance.

High quantities are associated with the presence of a bacterial infection or a viral infection, and an active destructive process. Excessive production has been found to play a very significant role in a number of Auto-immune disorders including multiple sclerosis, insulin dependent Diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Low quantities of TNF-β indicates insufficient activity of the Th1 cells of the Immune System. This makes the defence against many infectious species and Abnormal Cells ineffective.


This assay will provide extremely valuable and accurate information relating to the following pathological conditions :-

- Cancer and infections.
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