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The Th2 response is one of the main activities of the Immune System and forms a very important factor in the defence against illness. To help in the fight against most forms of infection it releases Th2 cells into the blood which produce a range of Cytokines whose principal task is to negate any invasion by infectious agents.

Any long term increase in the Th2 response will lead to the destruction of vital substances and can often be reflected in an on-going increase in the Abnormal Cells being produced. On the other hand low quantities indicate that the body is unable to produce sufficient Cytokines to ward off infections.


The Th2 immune response is one of the main types of activity of the immune (defence) system and is known as humoral immune response (immunity). Humoral immunity naturally rises in the morning but it can also respond, at any time, to invading infectious species (myco-bacteria, parasites, fungal / yeast and some viruses), allergens, a polluted environment, trauma and strong emotional events. As a form of protection from these health damaging factors the Immune System produces, and releases into the blood circulation, helper cells, e.g. T lymphocytes called Th2 cells. Activated Th2 cells, in turn, produce and release very special substances called Cytokines, primarily Interleukins 4 and 5, but also Interleukins 6, 10 and 33. These Cytokines will activate, or inhibit, various processes both in the body and the brain, including the stimulation of the production of various antibodies by the B cells of the Immune System, whose aim is to neutralise the harmful effects of the above mentioned factors. This assay is designed to evaluate the state of the acquired humoral immunological activity.

High Th2-related Cytokines gene expression quantities are associated with an increased Th2 immune response which, in the long-term, will result in a dominance of damaging anti-inflammatory and allergic/ inflammatory processes in the body and the brain, followed by the development of auto-immunity, e.g. destructive / damaging reaction against natural important substances in the body and the brain. It can also lead to the proliferation of Abnormal Cells in the body and the brain. Low quantities are associated with a vulnerability from the influence of infectious species, allergens / pollutants, trauma and emotionally strong events. Eventually, such a form of immunodeficiency will result in the development of a number of illnesses.


This assay will provide extremely valuable and accurate information relating to all pathological conditions.
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