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Autism is a brain development disorder that first appears during infancy or childhood, and generally follows a steady course without remission. It is characterised by impaired social interactions and communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviour, all starting before child is three years old. The number of people known to have Autism has increased dramatically since the 1980’s, at least partly as a result of changes in diagnostic practice; the question of whether actual prevalence has increased is unresolved.

What actually causes Autism is still to be fully known but early diagnosis can prevent some serious damage in a child’s behaviour such as social interactions, communication skills and adaptability. Children with Autism are different from those of normal children in some ways. Their growth is slow as compared to the normal children and they are more susceptible to illness and conditions like digestive disorders, respiratory insufficiency, allergies and several others.

What are the symptoms?

Parents suspecting their child to be autistic should observe the normal development milestones to confirm their child is having normal growth rate. It is not easy to identify the signs of Autism in infants as they are mild. Autistic children will show little response to stimuli unable to anticipate movements and pay attention to their mothers.

In addition to this there are few more symptoms that are visible in autistic children :-

• Does not respond to his or her name.
• A lack of interest in friends.
• They are slow learners; they learn speaking late at the age of three but are unable to communicate with people.
• They will never maintain an eye contact and usually you will find them repeating what you say or keep saying something.
• They are attached to a particular object and they stick to that object.
• They will be in their own world and will not have the realisation that someone is speaking to them.
• They will perform repetitive actions like rocking, spinning or hand-flapping, demand attention.

The tests that are applicable to this pathological condition are :-

However not all of the doctors will necessarily use all of these tests, some may use less and some more. Specific patients may require different tests and therefore the final selection of any tests must be made in conjunction with a medical doctor.

We appreciate that some readers have yet to decide upon the doctor and if you would like to receive a short list from which you can make the final selection please E-mail us. It is advisable that you identify the suspected or diagnosed pathological condition in order for us to provide the most appropriate options.
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