Why Use NeuroLab?
Very recently a physician contacted us to discuss two patients, with whom we had no previous contact whatsoever, who had been diagnosed with exactly the same condition and he was unable to fully reconcile their answers to his questions. He decided to verify the diagnosis of both by organising a second independent sample from each to be analysed and the results were confirmed. We agreed to participate in the investigation and, within a very short time, were able to confirm his suspicions. Although the diagnosis was correct the difference lay in the brain neurotransmitter levels and hence the pathways that were responsible for the condition were not the same. Although the end results were identical the vital information relative to the differing pathways enabled their responses to be verified. Individual strategies were prepared and both patients are now progressing well.
It is logical that it is a far easier task to treat any illness if it is identified in its formative stage. Whatever the stage of development of the condition, listed below are but some of the advantages to be achieved by analysing human samples :-
1. It is imperative to identify which precise biochemical substances are outside their normal operating range as this will enable the physician to design an individualised treatment strategy. Do remember that genes relate to individuals and their affect can only be assessed through a detailed analysis of the test results.
2. There is unquestionable evidence to support the theory that many pathological conditions develop as the result of an infectious species remaining dormant in the body for many years and, for some unexplained reason, suddenly becoming active. Our range of assays will identify the presence of the active participation of such an intruder.
3. These same assays will identify the presence of unwanted and, potentially, very dangerous substances that are called neurotoxins.
4. The physician responsible for any treatment strategy will not be working in a semi-blind mode and prescribing an excessive range of expensive products but will be directing any medications solely to the principle target areas. Over all substantial financial savings will be achieved which will more than balance the cost of the tests.
5. The products that are selected to form part of any treatment strategy can be screened to ensure that there is no adverse chemical influence between them.
6. The recovery process will become effective far quicker and with greater efficiency if the treatment strategy is targeted to the requirements of the individual from the outset.
It is logical that it is a far easier task to treat any illness if it is identified in its formative stage. Whatever the stage of development of the condition, listed below are but some of the advantages to be achieved by analysing human samples :-
1. It is imperative to identify which precise biochemical substances are outside their normal operating range as this will enable the physician to design an individualised treatment strategy. Do remember that genes relate to individuals and their affect can only be assessed through a detailed analysis of the test results.
2. There is unquestionable evidence to support the theory that many pathological conditions develop as the result of an infectious species remaining dormant in the body for many years and, for some unexplained reason, suddenly becoming active. Our range of assays will identify the presence of the active participation of such an intruder.
3. These same assays will identify the presence of unwanted and, potentially, very dangerous substances that are called neurotoxins.
4. The physician responsible for any treatment strategy will not be working in a semi-blind mode and prescribing an excessive range of expensive products but will be directing any medications solely to the principle target areas. Over all substantial financial savings will be achieved which will more than balance the cost of the tests.
5. The products that are selected to form part of any treatment strategy can be screened to ensure that there is no adverse chemical influence between them.
6. The recovery process will become effective far quicker and with greater efficiency if the treatment strategy is targeted to the requirements of the individual from the outset.